Christmas Special Bouquet

€29,95 EUR


Celebrate the season with our Christmas Special Bouquet, a beautifully festive arrangement crafted to bring elegance and joy to any holiday setting. Featuring crisp white roses that evoke winter’s pure beauty, this bouquet combines the classic charm of red spray chrysanthemums and rich burgundy carnations. Soft sprigs of gypsophila add a delicate, snowy touch, while vibrant green and white Santini chrysanthemums provide a pop of seasonal color.

The bouquet is accented with red hypericum berries and rustic larchpole stems, creating a harmonious blend of festive reds, greens, and whites that embodies the spirit of Christmas. Perfect for decorating your home or gifting a loved one, this arrangement will bring warmth and elegance to your holiday celebrations.

Delivery Info

Delivery is available 5 Days a week in Dublin & 4 Days a week in Ireland.

We offer Same-Day delivery in Dublin & Next-Day delivery in Ireland.

Subscription orders are delivered every Thursday, regardless of when the order was placed.

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✨ Vase Included ✨
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