Citrus Flowers Bouquet
Introducing our vibrant Citrus Flower Bouquet, a symphony of nature's finest blooms curated to brighten any occasion. Bursting with Gerbera daisies, Roses, Hypericum berries, delicate Floribunda spray roses, accented with lush Salal foliage, and adorned with cheerful Yellow Button Mums, this bouquet is a celebration of freshness and joy.
Each Gerbera daisy exudes a playful charm, while the Roses add a touch of timeless elegance. The Hypericum berries infuse a whimsical allure, and the Floribunda spray roses offer delicate sophistication. Complemented by the verdant Salal foliage, this arrangement brings a refreshing burst of nature indoors.
Whether as a heartfelt gift or a centerpiece for your special event, our Citrus Flower Bouquet captivates with its vibrant hues and captivating beauty. Embrace the zest of citrus and the warmth of sunshine with every petal and leaf, making every moment a memorable one.
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Subscription orders are delivered every Thursday, regardless of when the order was placed.